Kayaker urges coastal boaters to carry a DSC radio after his rescue from sea

Matthew Windsor says his Standard Horizon HX890E DSC (Digital Selective Calling) VHF radio helped save his life when he was too cold and disorientated to send a mayday call after capsizing his sea kayak off the North Devon coast. Instead, the 'press and hold' distress button on the back of the waterproof and portable transceiver [...]

2021-07-19T10:41:40+01:00July 19th, 2021|

Give the gift of a Standard Horizon VHF this Christmas

What a great idea for those who love to be out on the water! There’s quite a variety to choose from, and with varying price ranges. Maybe your friend or family member would prefer a handheld; maybe a fixed DSC. Perhaps you could put some feelers out to see if they have any preferences? Perhaps [...]

2019-10-07T15:21:48+01:00October 7th, 2019|

Standard Horizon at METS, Amsterdam

Standard Horizon will again be exhibiting at METS (Marine Equipment Trade Show) in Amsterdam.  The Show takes place from Tuesday 19th November until Thursday 21st November.  Whether you are a current dealer of ours or are interested in possibly becoming one, do come along and see us in Hall 1, Stand 310. Find out more [...]

2019-10-17T08:25:15+01:00September 13th, 2019|

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